Tomb of Johann Lechner

Stadtpfarrkirche Mariä Himmelfahrt, 86956 Schongau(710 m über NN)

Audio commentary on Station 10: Johann Lechner‘s grave

Excerpt from the audio commentary by Oliver Pätzsch

Many of my novel characters actually existed. This also includes the Schongau court clerk Johann Lechner, in front of whose tomb you are now standing. He lived in the 17th century and was one of the most important personalities in the city until his death in 1690.

In my books, Johann Lechner is something like the secret ruler, an ice-cold but very clever power politician, for whom the well-being of Schongau always comes first stands. By the way, there is a role model for “my” Lechner. This is the patrician Lord Vetinari from Terry Pratchett‘s bestselling fantasy series Discworld. I think authors are always inspired by other characters, no one writes in a vacuum. And you are welcome to guess which characters were the inspiration for Jakob and Simon. But I won‘t reveal it here...

The parish church Mariae Himmelfahrt looked different in Kuisl‘s time, it was rebuilt several times, most recently the builder of the famous Wieskirche Dominikus Zimmermann also worked on it.

In November 1667, the tower collapsed along with the five bells when there were just over a hundred Schongauers in the church. The widow Regina Reichhartin was killed by the falling debris, and it took three days and three nights to dig for the buried monstrance. The subsequent construction work, which lasted until 1674, is the subject of the volume "The Executioner‘s Daughter and the Game of Death". Like the first volume, this novel was performed in Schongau as a large open-air play.

Do you see Magdalena‘s sister Barbara sneaking past the mortar sacks and bricks into the church with her nephew Paul?

Together they overhear a conversation between Mayor Buchner and the doctor Melchior Ransmayer - the sleazy doctor who almost raped Barbara. It‘s about some conspiracy in which the mayor seems to be involved. The Kuisls are caught and Barbara almost has to pay for her curiosity with her life at the end of the novel.

There used to be a graveyard around the church. The still existing Sebastian Cemetery, once called the cemetery of God and today called the city cemetery, on the inner edge of the city wall, was established in 1526. So it dates back to the times of the plague epidemics, when the old churchyard by the town parish church was no longer sufficient.

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